1. In general, the less sound on stage, the better it will sound in the front of house. The more in ears and headphones, the better the sound. At the very least, we recommend that your drummer use headphones with a click track in his/her ears and NOT use a floor monitor. This will decrease stage volume and tighten your band.
2. The more musicians that can hear and play to the click in their ears, the tighter the band will be. If the click is a little strange at first, after time you’ll love it and never want to play without it!
3. You can take the monitor send signal from the snake on stage and run a wired signal to a pair of headphones for your stationary musicians.
4. If your out of monitor sends, an option is to see if multiple musicians can put one ear in to hear the click and in-ear mix, and with the other ear they can listen to their amps.
5. Just adding a loop track (at the very least played through iTunes or any player and running 1/8 inch out of your computer to your mixer) will do a lot for your live sound. The percussive loop will fill out the drum sound and make the whole mix feel fuller. The loop tracks at MultiTracks.com are just that- a click track and loop track to use in Ableton or any player.