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℗ 2019 Sparrow Records
Verse 1
Come all you wearyCome all you thirstyCome to the wellThat never runs dryDrink of the waterCome and thirst no more
Verse 2
Come all you sinnersCome find His mercyCome to the tableHe will satisfyTaste of His goodnessFind what you're looking for
Chorus 1
For God so lovedThe worldThat He gave usHis one and onlySon to save usWhoever believesIn Him will live forever
Verse 3
Bring all your failuresBring your addictionsCome lay them downAt the foot of the crossJesus is waiting thereWith open arms
For God so lovedThe worldThat He gave usHis one and onlySon to save usWhoever believes inHim will live forever
Chorus 2
The power of hellForever defeatedNow it is wellI'm walking in freedomFor God so lovedGod so loved the world
Praise God praise GodFrom whomAll blessings flowPraise Him praise HimFor the wonders of His love
His amazing love
For God so lovedThe world thatHe gave usHis one and onlySon to save
Bring all your failuresBring your addictionsCome lay them downAt the foot of the crossJesus is waitingGod so loved the world
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